Learn ~ Share ~ Inspire
The Susquehanna Valley Shutterbugs photograph club is located in Williamsport, PA. Our group is comprised of amateur and professional photographers with diverse talents and backgrounds. As a result we all share the common pursuit of enhancing our skills and knowledge.
The group began meeting in February of 1993. We have an annual membership that averages between 25 and 50 people. Members are of all ages and come from areas throughout the Susquehanna Valley.
The Shutterbug group meets the fourth Monday of the month. Meetings are held at the Lycoming County Historical Society 858 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701 at 7:00 P.M. If dates conflict with a holiday meetings are rescheduled for the third Monday. Our meetings are open to the public. Enter using the side door.
Our website features member galleries.